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Intended Cash Usage for Quarter 2

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Intended Cash Usage for Quarter 2 Empty Intended Cash Usage for Quarter 2

Post by LethalState Fri May 27, 2011 11:54 pm

We currently have $77. I am going to donate $65. That gives us $142.

Expenses: (Green = paid for, red = needs more donations to achieve)
Website - $65/year
Server upkeep - $70/quarter

Server/vent upgrades - requires +$40/quarter

The website will bring us limitless features. We will have a IP somewhat like smp.site.com:27765. We can make a support email, web pages (obviously), new forums, blogs, subdomains, and much more.

Server upkeep refers to the amount needed to pay for a minimum-feature server.

Upgrades refer to more speed and player slots.

We will have $7 left over without upgrades. This money will likely go towards a contest or future upkeep.

What does this mean for you? It essentially means I can extend the server another three months with the current system specs used now. Theres no way we wont make paying for next month unless Euros get jacked up in price again. Smile

EDIT: Temporary 50% off sale at my hoster. Gonna take advantage of that.

- LethalState

Posts : 111
Join date : 2011-02-03
Age : 30
Location : Canada


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